farmingpy API#
ISOBUS task data#
Class to read planned ISOBUS task files in grid format. |
APSIM interface#
Modify and run Apsim next generation simulation models. |
Ensemble of APSIM simulation models. |
Optimize cultivar parameters. |
Optimize soil paramters. |
Earth observation data#
Implementation of Sentinel 2 Toolbox Neural Network for predicting biophysical parameters from Sentinel 2 data. |
Read planetscope AnalyticMS_SR_8b .tif and apply mask. |
Convert PlanetScope 8 band image to fake Sentinel2 dataset to be used with twinyields.eo.BioPhysStbx models. |
Soil data#
Interface to eutptfv2 pedotransfer functions using tkdweber/euptf2 via rpy2. |
Interface to USDA Rosetta pedotransfer function model using |