Installing farmingpy

Installing farmingpy#

farmingpy can be installed using pip from github, it has not yet been published to PyPi.

pip install git+

Dotnet installation is required to interface APSIM and reading ISOBUS data:

APSIM interface#

In order to use APSIM interface from farmingpy.apsim you need to install APSIM and add the directory containing the Models executable to path or python path (to find the right .dll files). You can use the APSIM installer or build from source.

The latest tested APSIM version includes farmingpy specific extentions for ensemble modeling and is required if you want to use the APSIMXEnsembleclass. Newer APSIMX version should work as well.

Source build#

git clone --depth 1 -b twinclock_grass

On Linux or Mac you can use the following command to build APSIM:

dotnet build -o ~/.local/lib/apsimx -c Release ApsimX/Models/Models.csproj

On Ubuntu make sure you have sqlite installed:

sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev

And add the build location to Pythonpath (add this to shell config e.g. .bashrc or .zshrc to make it permanent):

export PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/apsimx

To build APSIM on Windows run the following and add the output directory to path or Python path

dotnet build -o %USERPROFILE%\apsimx -c Release ApsimX/Models/Models.csproj