Source code for farmingpy.apsim.apsim

Interface to APSIM simulation models using Python.NET.

from typing import Union
import pythonnet

# Prefer dotnet
    if pythonnet.get_runtime_info() is None:
    print("dotnet not found loading alternate runtime")
    print("Using: pythonnet.get_runtime_info()")

import clr
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shutil
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import datetime
import warnings

# Try to load from pythonpath and only then look for Model.exe
    print("Looking for APSIM")
    apsim_path = shutil.which("Models")
    if apsim_path is not None:
        apsim_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(apsim_path))[0]


# C# imports
import Models
import Models.Core
import Models.Core.ApsimFile
import Models.Core.Run;
import Models.PMF
import System.IO
import System.Linq
from System.Collections.Generic import *
from System import *

#from Models.Core import Zone, Simulations
from Models.PMF import Cultivar
from Models.Core.ApsimFile import FileFormat
from Models.Climate import Weather
from Models.Soils import Soil, Physical, SoilCrop
from Models.AgPasture import PastureSpecies
from Models.Core import Simulations

[docs] class APSIMX(): """Modify and run Apsim next generation simulation models."""
[docs] def __init__(self, model : Union[str, Simulations], copy=True, out_path=None): """ Parameters ---------- model Path to .apsimx file or C# Models.Core.Simulations object copy, optional If `True` a copy of original simulation will be created on init, by default True. out_path, optional Path of modified simulation, if `None` will be set automatically. """ self.results = None #: Simulation results as dataframe self.Model = None #TopLevel Simulations object #self.simulations = None # List of Simulation object #self.py_simulations = None self.datastore = None self.harvest_date = None if type(model) == str: apsimx_file = model name, ext = os.path.splitext(apsimx_file) if copy: if out_path is None: copy_path = f"{name}_py{ext}" else: copy_path = out_path shutil.copy(apsimx_file, copy_path) pathlib.Path(f"{name}.db").unlink(missing_ok=True) pathlib.Path(f"{name}.db-shm").unlink(missing_ok=True) pathlib.Path(f"{name}.db-wal").unlink(missing_ok=True) self.path = copy_path else: self.path = apsimx_file self._load(self.path) elif type(model) == Simulations: self.Model = model self.datastore = self.Model.FindChild[Models.Storage.DataStore]().FileName self._DataStore = self.Model.FindChild[Models.Storage.DataStore]() plant = self.Model.FindDescendant[Models.Core.Zone]().Plants[0] cultivar = plant.FindChild[Cultivar]() # TODO fix this to work with the sown cultivar and # accept simulation name as argument try: self.cultivar_command = self._cultivar_params(cultivar) except: pass
@property def simulations(self): return list(self.Model.FindAllChildren[Models.Core.Simulation]()) def _load(self, path): # When the last argument (init in another thread) is False, # models with errors fail to load. More elegant solution would be handle # errors like the GUI does. # If loading fails the the model has errors -> Use ApsimNG user interface to debug self.Model = FileFormat.ReadFromFile[Models.Core.Simulations](path, None, False) # This is needed for APSIM ~5/2023, hacky attempt to also support old version # TODO catch errors etc. try: self.Model = self.Model.get_NewModel() except: pass #self.simulations = list(self._Simulation.FindAllChildren[Models.Core.Simulation]()) #self.py_simulations = [Simulation(s) for s in self.simulations] self.datastore = self.Model.FindChild[Models.Storage.DataStore]().FileName self._DataStore = self.Model.FindChild[Models.Storage.DataStore]() def _reload(self): self._load(self.path) def save(self, out_path=None): """Save the model Parameters ---------- out_path, optional Path of output .apsimx file, by default `None` """ if out_path is None: out_path = self.path json = Models.Core.ApsimFile.FileFormat.WriteToString(self.Model) with open(out_path, "w") as f: f.write(json) def run(self, simulations=None, clean=True, multithread=True): """Run simulations Parameters ---------- simulations, optional List of simulation names to run, if `None` runs all simulations, by default `None`. clean, optional If `True` remove existing database for the file before running, by default `True` multithread, optional If `True` APSIM uses multiple threads, by default `True` """ if multithread: runtype = Models.Core.Run.Runner.RunTypeEnum.MultiThreaded else: runtype = Models.Core.Run.Runner.RunTypeEnum.SingleThreaded # Clear old data before running self.results=None if clean: self._DataStore.Dispose() pathlib.Path(self._DataStore.FileName).unlink(missing_ok=True) pathlib.Path(self._DataStore.FileName + "-wal" ).unlink(missing_ok=True) pathlib.Path(self._DataStore.FileName + "-shm" ).unlink(missing_ok=True) self._DataStore.Open() if simulations is None: r = Models.Core.Run.Runner(self.Model, True, False, False, None, runtype) else: sims = self.find_simulations(simulations) # Runner needs C# list cs_sims = List[Models.Core.Simulation]() for s in sims: cs_sims.Add(s) r = Models.Core.Run.Runner(cs_sims, True, False, False, None, runtype) e = r.Run() if (len(e) > 0): print(e[0].ToString()) self.results = self._read_results() try: self.harvest_date = self.results.loc[self.results.WheatPhenologyCurrentStageName == 'HarvestRipe', ["Zone", "ClockToday"]] except: self.harvest_date = None def clone_simulation(self, target, simulation=None): """Clone a simulation and add it to Model Parameters ---------- target target simulation name simulation, optional Simulation name to be cloned, of None clone the first simulation in model """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) clone_sim = Models.Core.Apsim.Clone(sim) clone_sim.Name = target #clone_zone = clone_sim.FindChild[Models.Core.Zone]() #clone_zone.Name = target self.Model.Children.Add(clone_sim) self._reload() def remove_simulation(self, simulation): """Remove a simulation from the model Parameters ---------- simulation The name of the simulation to remove """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) self.Model.Children.Remove(sim) self._load(self.path) def clone_zone(self, target, zone, simulation=None): """Clone a zone and add it to Model Parameters ---------- target target simulation name zone Name of the zone to clone simulation, optional Simulation name to be cloned, of None clone the first simulation in model """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) zone = sim.FindChild[Models.Core.Zone](zone) clone_zone = Models.Core.Apsim.Clone(zone) clone_zone.Name = target sim.Children.Add(clone_zone) self._load(self.path) def find_zones(self, simulation): """Find zones from a simulation Parameters ---------- simulation simulation name Returns ------- list of zones as APSIM Models.Core.Zone objects """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) zones = sim.FindAllDescendants[Models.Core.Zone]() return list(zones) def _read_results(self): #df = pd.read_sql_table("Report", "sqlite:///" + self.datastore) # errors with datetime since 5/2023 df = pd.read_sql_query("select * from Report", "sqlite:///" + self.datastore) df = df.rename(mapper=lambda x: x.replace(".", ""), axis=1) try: # ClockToday has . delimiters on Mac df["ClockToday"] = [datetime.datetime.strptime(t.replace(".", ":"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for t in df.ClockToday] except: warnings.warn("Unable to parse time format, 'ClockToday' column is still a string") return df """Convert cultivar command to dict""" def _cultivar_params(self, cultivar): cmd = cultivar.Command params = {} for c in cmd: if c: p, v = c.split("=") params[p.strip()] = v.strip() return params def update_cultivar(self, parameters, simulations=None, clear=False): """Update cultivar parameters Parameters ---------- parameters Parameter = value dictionary of cultivar paramaters to update. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations. clear, optional If `True` remove all existing parameters, by default `False`. """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): zone = sim.FindChild[Models.Core.Zone]() cultivar = zone.Plants[0].FindChild[Models.PMF.Cultivar]() if clear: params = parameters else: params = self._cultivar_params(cultivar) params.update(parameters) cultivar.Command = [f"{k}={v}" for k,v in params.items()] self.cultivar_command = params def print_cultivar(self, simulation=None): """Print current cultivar parameters, can be copied to APSIM user interface Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name to be cloned, of None clone the first simulation in model """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) zone = sim.FindChild[Models.Core.Zone]() cultivar = zone.Plants[0].FindChild[Models.PMF.Cultivar]() print('\n'.join(list(cultivar.Command))) def get_default_phenological_parameters(self, simulation=None): """ Return all default parameters for a PMF crop in the simulation Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name to be cloned, of None clone the first simulation in model Returns ------- dictionary of parameters with default values """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) phenology = sim.FindDescendant[Models.PMF.Phen.Phenology]() targets = {} for ch in phenology.FindAllDescendants[Models.Functions.Constant](): pth = ch.FullPath.split("Phenology.")[1] targets[f"[Phenology].{pth}"] = ch.Value() return targets def show_management(self, simulations=None): """Show management Parameters ---------- simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` show all simulations. """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): zone = sim.FindChild[Models.Core.Zone]() print("Zone:", zone.Name) for action in zone.FindAllChildren[Models.Manager](): print("\t", action.Name, ":") for param in action.Parameters: print("\t\t", param.Key,":", param.Value) def update_management(self, management, simulations=None, reload=True): """Update management Parameters ---------- management Parameter = value dictionary of management paramaters to update. Call `show_management` to see current values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations. reload, optional _description_, by default True """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): zone = sim.FindChild[Models.Core.Zone]() for action in zone.FindAllChildren[Models.Manager](): if action.Name in management: #print("Updating", action.Name) values = management[action.Name] for i in range(len(action.Parameters)): param = action.Parameters[i].Key if param in values: action.Parameters[i] = KeyValuePair[String, String](param, f"{values[param]}") # Saved and restored the model to recompile the scripts # haven't figured out another way to make it work if reload: self._load(self.path) # Convert CS KeyValuePair to dictionary def _kvtodict(self, kv): return {kv[i].Key : kv[i].Value for i in range(kv.Count)} def get_management(self): """Get management of all simulations as dataframe""" res = [] for sim in self.simulations: actions = sim.FindAllDescendants[Models.Manager]() out = {} out["simulation"] = sim.Name for action in actions: params = self._kvtodict(action.Parameters) if "FertiliserType" in params: out[params["FertiliserType"]] = float(params["Amount"]) if "CultivarName" in params: out["crop"] = params["Crop"] out["cultivar"] = params["CultivarName"] out["plant_population"] = params["Population"] if len(out) > 1: res.append(out) return pd.DataFrame(res) def get_agpasture_crops(self, simulations = None): """Get AgPasture crops from simulations. Parameters ---------- start_date, optional Start date as string, by default `None` end_date, optional End date as string, by default `None` simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` get from all simulations Returns ---- List of PastureSpecies (C# class exposed trough pythonnet) """ species = [] for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): species += sim.FindAllDescendants[PastureSpecies]() return species def set_dates(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, simulations = None): """Set simulation dates Parameters ---------- start_date, optional Start date as string, by default `None` end_date, optional End date as string, by default `None` simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): clock = sim.FindChild[Models.IClock]() if start_date is not None: #clock.End = DateTime(start_time.year, start_time.month,, 0, 0, 0) clock.StartDate = DateTime.Parse(start_date) if end_date is not None: #clock.End = DateTime(end_time.year, end_time.month,, 0, 0, 0) clock.EndDate = DateTime.Parse(end_date) def get_dates(self, simulations = None): """Get simulation dates Parameters ---------- simulations, optional List of simulation names to get, if `None` get all simulations Returns ------- Dictionary of simulation names with dates """ dates = {} for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): clock = sim.FindChild[Models.IClock]() st = clock.StartDate et = clock.EndDate dates[sim.Name] = {} dates[sim.Name]["start"] =, st.Month, st.Day) dates[sim.Name]["end"] =, et.Month, et.Day) return dates def set_weather(self, weather_file, simulations = None): """Set simulation weather file Parameters ---------- weather_file Weather file name, path should be relative to simulation or absolute. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): weathers = sim.FindAllDescendants[Weather]() for weather in weathers: weather.FileName = weather_file def show_weather(self): """Show weather file for all simulations""" for weather in self.Model.FindAllDescendants[Weather](): print(weather.FileName) def set_report(self, report, simulations = None): """Set APSIM report Parameters ---------- report New report string. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ simulations = self.find_simulations(simulations) for sim in simulations: r = sim.FindDescendant[Models.Report]() r.set_VariableNames(report.strip().splitlines()) def get_report(self, simulation = None): """Get current report string Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name, if `None` use the first simulation. Returns ------- List of report lines. """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) report = list(sim.FindAllDescendants[Models.Report]())[0] return list(report.get_VariableNames()) def find_physical_soil(self, simulation = None): """Find physical soil Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name, if `None` use the first simulation. Returns ------- APSIM Models.Soils.Physical object """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) soil = sim.FindDescendant[Soil]() psoil = soil.FindDescendant[Physical]() return psoil # Find a list of simulations by name def find_simulations(self, simulations = None): """Find simulations by name Parameters ---------- simulations, optional List of simulation names to find, if `None` return all simulations Returns ------- list of APSIM Models.Core.Simulation objects """ if simulations is None: return self.simulations if type(simulations) == str: simulations = [simulations] sims = [] for s in self.simulations: if s.Name in simulations: sims.append(s) if len(sims) == 0: print("Not found!") else: return sims # Find a single simulation by name def _find_simulation(self, simulation = None): if simulation is None: return self.simulations[0] sim = None for s in self.simulations: if s.Name == simulation: sim = s break if sim is None: print("Not found!") else: return sim def get_dul(self, simulation=None): """Get soil dry upper limit (DUL) Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of DUL values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) return np.array(psoil.DUL) def set_dul(self, dul, simulations=None): """Set soil dry upper limit (DUL) Parameters ---------- dul Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() psoil.DUL = dul self._fix_crop_ll(sim.Name) # Set crop LL to LL15 and make sure it's below DUL in all layers def _fix_crop_ll(self, simulation): tmp_cll = self.get_crop_ll(simulation) dul = self.get_dul(simulation) ll15 = self.get_ll15(simulation) for j in range(len(tmp_cll)): if tmp_cll[j] > dul[j]: tmp_cll[j] = dul[j] - 0.02 for j in range(len(tmp_cll)): tmp_cll[j] = ll15[j] self.set_crop_ll(tmp_cll, simulation) def _fill_layer(self, p, N_layers): ns = len(p) if ns == N_layers: return p else: pfill = np.repeat(p[-1], N_layers -ns) return np.concatenate([p, pfill]) def set_soil(self, soildf, simulations=None): """Set soil properties using a DataFrame Parameters ---------- soildf DataFrame with column names matching the parameter to be set. Soil will be filled to have the same depth as current soil in the model. cf. `get_soil`. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ csoil = self.get_soil(simulations) N_layers = csoil.shape[0] for column in soildf: col = column.lower() p = soildf[column].to_numpy() new = self._fill_layer(p, N_layers) if col == "sat": self.set_sat(new, simulations) if col in ["fc_10", "fc", "dul"]: self.set_dul(new, simulations) if col in ["wp", "pwp", "ll15"]: self.set_ll15(new, simulations) if col in ["nh4", "initial nh4"]: self.set_initial_nh4(new, simulations) if col in ["no3", "initial no3"]: self.set_initial_no3(new, simulations) if col in ["bd", "bulk density"]: self.set_bd(new, simulations) if col in ["swcon"]: self.set_swcon(new, simulations) if col in["ksat", "ksat_mm"]: self.set_ksat(new, simulations) if col in["sw"]: self.set_sw(new, simulations) #SW can't exceed SAT csoil = self.get_soil(simulations) self.set_sw(np.min(csoil[["SAT", "SW"]], axis=1), simulations) def set_sat(self, sat, simulations=None): """Set soil saturated water content (SAT) Parameters ---------- sat Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() psoil.SAT = sat psoil.SW = psoil.DUL def get_sat(self, simulation=None): """Get soil saturated water content (SAT) Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of SAT values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) return np.array(psoil.SAT) def get_ll15(self, simulation=None): """Get soil water content lower limit (LL15) Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of LL15 values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) return np.array(psoil.LL15) def set_ll15(self, ll15, simulations=None): """Set soil water content lower limit (LL15) Parameters ---------- ll15 Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() psoil.LL15 = ll15 psoil.AirDry = ll15 self._fix_crop_ll(sim.Name) def set_bd(self, bd, simulations=None): """Set soil bulk density Parameters ---------- bd Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() psoil.BD = bd def get_bd(self, simulation=None): """Get soil bulk density Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of BD values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) return np.array(psoil.BD) def set_ksat(self, ksat, simulations=None): """Set saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil mm/day Parameters ---------- bd Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() psoil.KS = ksat def get_ksat(self, simulation=None): """Get saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil mm/day Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of BD values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) return np.array(psoil.KS) def set_sw(self, sw, simulations=None): """Set soil water content Parameters ---------- bd Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() psoil.SW = sw def get_sw(self, simulation=None): """Get soil water content Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of BD values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) return np.array(psoil.SW) def set_swcon(self, swcon, simulations=None): """Set soil water conductivity (SWCON) constant for each soil layer. Parameters ---------- swcon Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): wb = sim.FindDescendant[Models.WaterModel.WaterBalance]() wb.SWCON = swcon def get_swcon(self, simulation=None): """Get soil water conductivity (SWCON) constant for each soil layer. Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of SWCON values """ sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) wb = sim.FindDescendant[Models.WaterModel.WaterBalance]() return np.array(wb.SWCON) def get_crop_ll(self, simulation=None): """Get crop lower limit Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Array of values """ psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) sc = psoil.FindChild[SoilCrop]() return np.array(sc.LL) def set_crop_ll(self, ll, simulations=None): """Set crop lower limit Parameters ---------- ll Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ for sim in self.find_simulations(simulations): psoil = sim.FindDescendant[Physical]() sc = psoil.FindChild[SoilCrop]() sc.LL = ll def get_soil(self, simulation=None): """Get soil definition as dataframe Parameters ---------- simulation, optional Simulation name. Returns ------- Dataframe with soil definition """ sat = self.get_sat(simulation) dul = self.get_dul(simulation) ll15 = self.get_ll15(simulation) cll = self.get_crop_ll(simulation) psoil = self.find_physical_soil(simulation) depth = psoil.Depth return pd.DataFrame({"Depth" : depth, "LL15" : ll15, "DUL" : dul, "SAT" : sat, "Crop LL" : cll, "Bulk density": self.get_bd(simulation), "Ksat" : self.get_ksat(simulation), "SW" : self.get_sw(simulation), "SWCON" : self.get_swcon(simulation), "Initial NO3" : self.get_initial_no3(simulation), "Initial NH4" : self.get_initial_nh4(simulation)}) def _find_solute(self, solute, simulation=None): sim = self._find_simulation(simulation) solutes = sim.FindAllDescendants[Models.Soils.Solute]() return [s for s in solutes if s.Name == solute][0] def _get_initial_values(self, name, simulation): s = self._find_solute(name, simulation) return np.array(s.InitialValues) def _set_initial_values(self, name, values, simulations): sims = self.find_simulations(simulations) for sim in sims: s = self._find_solute(name, sim.Name) s.InitialValues = values def get_initial_no3(self, simulation=None): """Get soil initial NO3 content""" return self._get_initial_values("NO3", simulation) def set_initial_no3(self, values, simulations=None): """Set soil initial NO3 content Parameters ---------- values Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ self._set_initial_values("NO3", values, simulations) def get_initial_nh4(self, simulation=None): """Get soil initial NH4 content""" return self._get_initial_values("NH4", simulation) def set_initial_nh4(self, values, simulations=None): """Set soil initial NH4 content Parameters ---------- values Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ self._set_initial_values("NH4", values, simulations) def get_initial_urea(self, simulation=None): """Get soil initial urea content""" return self._get_initial_values("Urea", simulation) def set_initial_urea(self, values, simulations=None): """Set soil initial urea content Parameters ---------- values Collection of values, has to be the same length as existing values. simulations, optional List of simulation names to update, if `None` update all simulations """ self._set_initial_values("Urea", values, simulations)
class Simulation(object): def __init__(self, simulation): self.simulation = simulation self.zones = [Zone(z) for z in simulation.FindAllChildren[Models.Core.Zone]()] def find_physical_soil(self): soil = self.simulation.FindDescendant[Soil]() psoil = soil.FindDescendant[Physical]() return psoil # TODO should these be linked to zones instead? def get_dul(self): psoil = self.find_physical_soil() return np.array(psoil.DUL) def set_dul(self, dul): psoil = self.find_physical_soil() psoil.DUL = dul class Zone(object): def __init__(self, zone): = zone = zone.Name self.soil =[Soil]() self.physical_soil = self.soil.FindDescendant[Physical]() # TODO should these be linked to zones instead? @property def dul(self): return np.array(self.physical_soil.DUL) @dul.setter def dul(self, dul): self.physical_soil.DUL = dul