Source code for farmingpy.eo.planet

import rioxarray
import os
import xarray as xr
import glob
import json
import numpy as np

[docs] def read_planet(img_file, apply_mask=True, confidence=60, clip=None): """Read planetscope AnalyticMS_SR_8b .tif and apply mask. Args: img_file (str): Image file path. apply_mask (bool, optional): Apply udm1 mask and remove points with low mask confidence if True. Defaults to True. confidence (int, optional): Mask confidence threshold. Defaults to 60. clip (GeoDataFrame, optional): GeoDataFrame used to clip the image. Returns: xarray.DataArray: Planetscope image xarray.DataArray: Mask """ dir, file = os.path.split(img_file) t = file.split("_3B")[0] mask_file = glob.glob(f"{dir}/*{t}*udm2*.tif")[0] mask = rioxarray.open_rasterio(mask_file, masked=True) pl_img = rioxarray.open_rasterio(img_file, masked=True) crs = pl_img.spatial_ref.attrs["crs_wkt"] if apply_mask: pl_img = pl_img.where(mask.sel(band=8) == 0, np.nan) pl_img = pl_img.where(mask.sel(band=7) >= confidence, np.nan) if clip is not None: clip = clip.to_crs(crs) pl_img =, drop=True) mask =, drop=True) pl_img["band"] = np.array(pl_img.attrs["long_name"]) attrs = pl_img.attrs.copy() pl_img = pl_img / 1e4 pl_img.attrs.update(attrs) mask["band"] = np.array(mask.attrs["long_name"]) pl_img = xr.concat([pl_img, mask], dim="band") pl_img.attrs["long_name"] = list( pl_img = # Filter out udm1 mask pl_img = pl_img.transpose('band', 'y', 'x') time = np.datetime64(pl_img.attrs["TIFFTAG_DATETIME"].replace(":", "-", 2)) pl_img["time"] = time.astype('datetime64[ns]') return pl_img
[docs] def planet_to_S2_dataset(ds): """Convert PlanetScope 8 band image to fake Sentinel2 dataset to be used with `twinyields.eo.BioPhysStbx` models. Args: ds (xarray.DataArray): Planet image loaded using `read_planet`. Returns: xarray.DataArray: Dataset with bands that can be used with `twinyields.eo.BioPhysStbx` 10m models. """ pl_img = ds pl_s2 = pl_img.sel(band=["green", "red", "nir"]) pl_s2["band"] = np.array(["B03", "B04", "B08"]) info = json.loads(pl_img.attrs['TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION'])["atmospheric_correction"] vz = pl_s2.isel(band=0).copy() vz["band"] = "viewZenithMean" vz = vz.where(np.isnan, info["satellite_zenith_angle"]) sz = pl_s2.isel(band=0).copy() sz["band"] = "sunZenithAngles" sz = sz.where(np.isnan, info["solar_zenith_angle"]) va = pl_s2.isel(band=0).copy() va["band"] = "viewAzimuthMean" va = va.where(np.isnan, info["satellite_azimuth_angle"]) sa = pl_s2.isel(band=0).copy() sa["band"] = "sunAzimuthAngles" sa = sa.where(np.isnan, info["solar_azimuth_angle"]) ds_pl = xr.concat([pl_s2, sz, sa, vz, va], dim="band") return ds_pl