import xarray as xr
import datetime
import numpy as np
import math
import os
class BioPhysS2tbx(object):
Implementation of Sentinel 2 Toolbox Neural Network for predicting
biophysical parameters from Sentinel 2 data. Uses weights from
The model does input and output range validation,
but omits convexity checks.
Based on:
Weiss, M., Baret, F., Jay, S., 2020.
S2ToolBox level 2 products LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER. EMMAH-CAPTE, INRAe Avignon.
def __init__(self, product="LAI", resolution=20, stbx_version="3.0"):
product (str, optional): Output product, "LAI", "FAPAR", "FCOVER",
"LAI_Cab" or "LAI_cw". Defaults to "LAI".
resolution (int, optional): Model resolution to use 10 or 20. Defaults to 20.
stbx_version (str, optional): Toolbox version for weights 2.1 or 3.0. Defaults to "3.0".
# Load weights and parameters from SNAP files
if stbx_version == "3.0":
if resolution == 10:
snap_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../data/s2tbx_biophysical_auxdata/3_0/S2A_10m"
snap_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../data/s2tbx_biophysical_auxdata/3_0/S2A"
elif stbx_version == "2.1":
snap_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../data/s2tbx_biophysical_auxdata/2_1/"
self.stbx_version = stbx_version
self.resolution = resolution
self.product = product
self.extreme_cases = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_ExtremeCases", delimiter=",")
# 2.1 has negative tolerance, 3.0 positive
if stbx_version == "2.1":
self.extreme_cases[0] = -self.extreme_cases[0]
self.normalize_minmax = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_Normalisation", delimiter=",")
self.denormalize_minmax = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_Denormalisation", delimiter=",")
self.minmax_domain = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_DefinitionDomain_MinMax", delimiter=",")
b1 = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_Weights_Layer1_Bias", delimiter=",").T
w1 = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_Weights_Layer1_Neurons", delimiter=",").T
self.wts = np.vstack([b1, w1])
self.b2 = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_Weights_Layer2_Bias", delimiter=",")
self.wts2 = np.loadtxt(f"{snap_path}/{product}/{product}_Weights_Layer2_Neurons", delimiter=",")
def __call__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run the model on dataset.
ds xarray.DataArray: Sentinel 2 data. The format
needs to match the data retrieved using `twinyields.eo.S2SentinelHub`
xarray.DataArray: Vegetation index
ds = ds.transpose("y", "x", "band")
ds = self.clean_input(ds)
nm = self.normalize_minmax
degToRad = math.pi/ 180
intercept = ds.isel(band=0)
intercept.coords["band"] = "I"
intercept = intercept.where(np.isnan, 1)
# With 10m resolution fewer bands are used
if self.resolution == 10:
bands = ds.sel(band=["B03", "B04", "B08"])
for i in range(3):
bands[:,:,i] = self.normalize(bands[:,:,i], *nm[i,:])
viewZen_norm = self.normalize(np.cos(ds.sel(band="viewZenithMean") * degToRad), *nm[3,:])
sunZen_norm = self.normalize(np.cos(ds.sel(band="sunZenithAngles") * degToRad), *nm[4,:])
relAzim_norm = self.normalize(np.cos((ds.sel(band="sunAzimuthAngles") - ds.sel(band="viewAzimuthMean")) * degToRad), *nm[5,:])
relAzim_norm.coords["band"] = "relAzim_norm"
X = xr.concat([intercept, bands, viewZen_norm,sunZen_norm,relAzim_norm],
b03_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B03"), *nm[0,:])
b04_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B04"), *nm[1,:])
b05_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B05"), *nm[2,:])
b06_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B06"), *nm[3,:])
b07_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B07"), *nm[4,:])
b8a_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B8A"), *nm[5,:])
b11_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B11"), *nm[6,:])
b12_norm = self.normalize(ds.sel(band="B12"), *nm[7,:])
viewZen_norm = self.normalize(np.cos(ds.sel(band="viewZenithMean") * degToRad), *nm[8,:])
sunZen_norm = self.normalize(np.cos(ds.sel(band="sunZenithAngles") * degToRad), *nm[9,:])
relAzim_norm = self.normalize(np.cos((ds.sel(band="sunAzimuthAngles") - ds.sel(band="viewAzimuthMean")) * degToRad), *nm[10,:])
relAzim_norm.coords["band"] = "relAzim_norm"
X = xr.concat([intercept, b03_norm, b04_norm, b05_norm, b06_norm, b07_norm, b8a_norm, b11_norm, b12_norm, viewZen_norm,sunZen_norm,relAzim_norm],
X = X.transpose("y", "x", "band").to_numpy()
l1 = np.tanh(, self.wts))
l2 =, self.wts2) + self.b2
index = self.denormalize(l2, *self.denormalize_minmax)
lds = ds.isel(band=0)
lds.values = index
lds.coords["band"] = self.product
# Remove extreme values from output
tolerance = self.extreme_cases[0]
index_min = self.extreme_cases[1]
index_max = self.extreme_cases[2]
l_copy = lds.copy()
lds = lds.where(l_copy >= -tolerance, np.nan) #Everything less than tolerance is nan
lds = lds.where(l_copy >= index_min, index_min) #Everything below index_min = index_min
lds = lds.where(l_copy <= index_max, index_max) #Everything above index_max to index_max
lds = lds.where(l_copy <= (index_max + tolerance), np.nan) #Everything above index_max - tolerance to NaN
return lds
def normalize(self, unnormalized, min, max):
return 2 * (unnormalized - min) / (max - min) - 1
def denormalize(self, normalized, min, max):
return 0.5 * (normalized + 1) * (max - min) + min
# Remove values outside snap accepted range
def clean_input(self, ds):
if self.resolution == 10:
s2_bands = ["B03", "B04", "B08"]
s2_bands = ["B03", "B04", "B05", "B06", "B07", "B8A", "B11", "B12"]
index_min = self.minmax_domain[0,:]
index_max = self.minmax_domain[1,:]
X = ds.sel(band=s2_bands)
X = X.where(X > index_min, np.nan).where(X < index_max, np.nan)
ds.loc[:,:,s2_bands] = X.loc[:,:,s2_bands]
return ds