Source code for farmingpy.planned_isoxml

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
import numpy as np
import zipfile
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

[docs] class TaskReader(object): """ Class to read planned ISOBUS task files in grid format. """
[docs] def __init__(self, taskfile): """ Parameters ---------- taskfile Path to TASKDATA.XML or zipped task file. Based on: ISO 11783-10:2015. """ self.grid = None #: Planned task grid as xarray.DataArray if os.path.isdir(taskfile): taskfile = os.path.join(taskfile, "TASKDATA.XML") ext = os.path.splitext(taskfile)[1].lower() if ext == ".xml": self.task = ET.parse(taskfile) self.path = os.path.split(taskfile)[0] self.root = self.task.getroot() elif ext == ".zip": self.zf = zipfile.ZipFile(taskfile) tf = [f for f in self.zf.namelist() if "TASKDATA.XML" in f][0] self.root = ET.fromstring( self.ext = ext self.field = Polygon([(float(pnt.attrib["D"]), float(pnt.attrib["C"])) for pnt in self.root.findall("PFD/PLN/LSG/PNT")]) self.read_grid()
def read_grid(self, grid_idx = 0): grids = self.root.findall('./TSK/GRD') g = grids[grid_idx] grid_info = g.attrib self.grid_info = grid_info grd_file = grid_info["G"] + ".bin" grid_type = int(self.grid_info["I"]) assert grid_type == 2, "Unsupported task file, grid type 2 is required (GRD tag, I attribute)" pdv = self.root.find("./TSK/TZN").findall("PDV") pdt = self.root.findall("./PDT") vpns = [p.attrib["E"] for p in pdv] self.products = [p.attrib["B"] for p in pdt] self.units = [self.root.find(f"./VPN[@A='{v}']").attrib["E"] for v in vpns] self.scales = [self.root.find(f"./VPN[@A='{v}']").attrib["C"] for v in vpns] if self.ext == ".xml": grid = np.fromfile(os.path.join(self.path, grd_file), dtype=np.int32) elif self.ext == ".zip": gf = [f for f in self.zf.namelist() if grd_file in f][0] grid = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.int32) # Grid Minimum East and North positions y0, x0 = np.asarray([grid_info["A"], grid_info["B"]]).astype("float") # Grid cell sizes sy, sx = np.asarray([grid_info["C"], grid_info["D"]]).astype("float") nr = int(grid_info["F"]) nc = int(grid_info["E"]) grid = grid.reshape((nr, nc, -1)) x = np.array([x0+c*sx for c in range(nc)]) y = np.array([y0+r*sy for r in range(nr)]) gx = xr.DataArray(np.float64(grid), dims=["y", "x", "product"], coords={"x" : x, "y" : y}) gx.attrs["products"] = self.products gx.attrs["units"] = self.units # Scale data according to VPN attrib C for c in range(len(self.scales)): gx[:,:,c] *= float(self.scales[c]) self.grid ="epsg:4326") self.grid = # Try to clip based on field polygon # sometimes the field polygon doesn't match the grid and this fails # -> just returns the grid try: self.grid =[self.field]) except: pass @property def points(self): """ Planned task data as geopandas.GeoDataFrame. """ df = self.grid.to_dataframe("rate").reset_index() gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df[["product", "rate"]], geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df["x"], df["y"]), crs="epsg:4326" ) return gdf.dropna()